23 October 2007

Birthday in NYC

No it was not my birthday people, but Ofir's. And not just any birthday but his 30th - the age at which one can no longer pretend responsibility is something "other people" care about. Oi! To ring in his new era of late capitalist accountability we did a bit of measurable celebrating. First, we enjoyed a lovely dinner at Peasant where we savoured good food and a classic celeb sigting (this guy eating with his family). The Italian food at Peasant is truly delicious and worth over-looking their irritatingly snobby (not-in-English) menu. Next we spent an afternoon shopping with total abandon in the city. Shoppers please note that on 5th Avenue around 20th one can find an American Apparel, Intermix, Agnes B., and Kenneth Cole within a block or so from one another. And last, we ended the festivities by downing a few last minute Margaritas with friends in Queens at 5 Burro Cafe.


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