21 January 2007

November and December

I truly apologize for an entire two months of silence. I promise to try and get back on a more regular schedule of blogging in 2007.

November and December were a bit of a blur to be honest. I was quite literally all-over-the-place traveling for work. Work travel took me to: NYC (twice), Milan, Paris, Munich, Tokyo, Osaka and Hamburg. Most of the trips were taken for either research or presentations on Sharp Electronics.

Sharp is breaking new eco-friendly ground with their Kameyama manufacturing plant, which I visited with great interest. Sadly, US consumers are not ready for Turtle Mountain (the literal Japanese meaning of the word). US consumers still want to hear about how clear their new picture will be, or how much bigger their screen will be than their neighbors, or how much more baseball or football they'll be able to see. Yet I still have faith that one day US consumers will want to hear about technology that is also good for the planet. One day.

So while we wait for US flat screen consumers to wake up to the concept of Global Warming, let me entertain with you these picts from my travels. I’ve included a few picts from my totally awesome hotel in Paris, KUBE, (up top) which I obviously highly recommend for the business traveler. Next a few shots (below that) from my trip to Japan. Mount Fuji (of course) and the sunrise from my hotel room in Osaka. And below a few more picts of my festive and lovely W+K co-workers from Japan and New York.

And lastly, I leave you with a snapshot of Ofir and I over the Thanksgiving break. He came to visit me in Amsterdam and liked it enough to say he’d come back (whew).


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